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In Memory of Faye

Faye Moskowitz (1930-2022)
First, longtime, and beloved Director of Burke's Middle School, legendary English professor at The George Washington University, and the namesake of "Faye's Place" in Burke's High School building, Faye Moskowitz passed away on February 21, 2022.

Born in Detroit in 1930, Faye and her family had lived in Washington DC since 1962. As Burke's co-founder Richard Roth wrote, "Faye was a super-bright, lovely woman [and] Burke was enriched by her presence." Siobhan Roth '88 P'26 P'28 added, "She was deeply loved by everyone at Burke."

> Read more about Faye's remarkable legacy.
Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.