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List of 1 items.

List of 4 items.

  • You can be multifaceted.

    At Burke, we hope that experienced musicians will play basketball, or longtime softball players will delve into ceramics or musical theater. Opportunities are vast and varied here – and everyone can access the full range of Burke’s offerings. You won't have to compete for a spot just to do what you enjoy. Students also have the space and support to pursue longtime interests, both within and outside the classroom.
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  • You can be yourself.

    Our students are diverse, creative, kind, and witty, with a penchant for exploration. They like to try new things and meet new people. They bring incredible energy (and often strong opinions) to class, sports, and arts. We like to say, "You don't have to leave any part of yourself outside when you enter Burke."
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  • We're a small school.

    With 300 students and 50 faculty members, we truly get to know one another. Our campus may be (comparatively) small, but the connections are big and lasting. At Burke, students also form inter-grade friendships, through classes, extracurriculars, or just casual interactions. We don't have isolated homerooms, and common areas are open to all students in that division.
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  • We support student agency.

    Central to our mission is supporting students' growth as skilled and independent thinkers. As a progressive school, we believe that students should be active participants in their learning and have a real voice in their school community. Our urban campus also enables substantial independence – students can get themselves to school via Metro and enjoy "open campus" starting in 9th grade. This way, they also get used to managing free time prior to starting college!
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Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.