Vocal and instrumental music infuses Burke’s community. Our music program has a place for all students, no matter their skill level or previous training. Students explore music history, theory, and performance – cultivating a love of music in its myriad forms. Our bands and choruses perform both their own concerts at Burke and at venues around the region, from the The Carlyle Room in DC to Music in the Parks in PA.


List of 3 items.

  • Middle School Courses

    7th Grade Band
    8th Grade Band
    Chorus 7 / 8
    Diving In 6 - theater and music
    Music Explorations 7
    Music Explorations 8
  • High School Choruses

    Advanced Chorus
    Adv. Instrumental Music ("Advanced Band")
    High School Chorus
    Instrumental Music 11/12
    Int. Instrumental Music ("Int. Band")
    Instrumental Music 9/10
    Introduction to Instrumental Music
    Singing in the Spotlight
  • Performances

    Burke Bands at Blues Alley
    GDS Jazz Festival Guests
    Hershey Park Choral Festival
    High School Musical
    Middle School Musical
    School Holiday Party
    Spring Band Showcase
    Spring Vocal Showcase
    Takoma Jazz
    Vocal Showcase
    Winter Chorus Concert
Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.