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To sign up, login to (or create an account in) Ravenna, select Edmund Burke School in the Directory, and click "Upcoming Events." Please contact the Admissions Office with any questions:
To sign up, login to (or create an account in) Ravenna, select Edmund Burke School in the Directory, and click "Upcoming Events." Please contact the Admissions Office with any questions:
To sign up, login to (or create an account in) Ravenna, select Edmund Burke School in the Directory, and click "Upcoming Events." Please contact the Admissions Office with any questions:
--- To sign up, login to (or create an account in) Ravenna, select Edmund Burke School in the Directory, and click "Upcoming Events." Please contact the Admissions Office with any questions:
--- To sign up, login to (or create an account in) Ravenna, select Edmund Burke School in the Directory, and click "Upcoming Events." Please contact the Admissions Office with any questions:
--- To sign up, login to (or create an account in) Ravenna, select Edmund Burke School in the Directory, and click "Upcoming Events." Please contact the Admissions Office with any questions:
--- To sign up, login to (or create an account in) Ravenna, select Edmund Burke School in the Directory, and click "Upcoming Events." Please contact the Admissions Office with any questions:
World Language
Grade Meeting
Weight Training
Middle School Math
Visual Arts
AP US History
Music and Movements
8th grade: The grade's leadership group reached out to Matthew Whittaker '04, inviting him to speak with the full grade in advance of their week-long trip to Alabama next month. Matthew talked about his favorite musicians and how music of the 1950s and 1960s played a role in the Civil Rights Movement in America.
Bengals took to the pool at Lowell School last week, where top finishes included Ari K. '29 and Morgan L. C. '30, 1st and 2nd in 96 Yard IM boys and girls races respectively. With 20 swimmers in the middle school, the future looks bright for Burke swimming. (Also working the Lowell meet? Dana M. '19!)
A biannual publication of our Communications and Development offices, 1968 Magazine features stories from alumni, students, faculty, and staff and includes Burke's Annual Report each fall.
A hearty group of Constitutional Law students endured a 14 degree, 7 AM start to the day to stand in line outside the Supreme Court of the United States with the hope of getting a seat in the courtroom. We succeeded, and were there to witness the first oral argument that day. Barnes v. Felix involves the tragic death of a young man, Ashtian Barnes, at the hands of Sgt. Roberto Felix, Jr. a police officer in Harris County.
In the high school, students gather in several configurations during the community period, including advisory groups, homerooms (several advisories together), and as a full grade. In those grade meetings, the agenda may range from serious to celebratory.
Congratulations to the four Burke artists selected for In the Making: A Spectrum of Student Creativity at Studio Gallery in DC. Curated by Gia Harewood, this exhibit features emerging artists from DC schools and universities, including:
In the 2nd trimester, 7th grade scientists focus on the human body, including the immune, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems – studies anchored in Life Science with Amy C. and spanning multiple departments.
Each summer, Burke's Professional Development Committee awards Combustion Engine Grants, which enable faculty to enrich teaching and curricula in innovative ways during the summer months. Before the recent winter break, the Summer 2024 grant recipients presented on their work.
While completing a graduate certificate in African Studies at Boston University, Maureen (HS History) crafted a new unit on Ancient Africa for Burke's 9th grade.
Not one, but two Burke alums were SMYAL LGBT Youth Leadership Award recipients in 2024. Daria Strachan'24 received the Sophie's Live Out Loud scholarship, as "she exemplifies leadership primarily through her passion for filmmaking." Julia Vazquez-Brunetti '23 was honored for community leadership, including reinvigorating Burke's LGBTQ+ affinity group.
Following a 1-2 finish in last year's PVAC Championships, the Bengals got off to a strong start on December 5 at Trinity University, competing with Dematha, Elizabeth Seton, Brookewood, Visitation, and St. Anselm's Abbey. Top two finishes included:
Now in its 9th season, Evolutionary Ideas is a culminating project for 11th and 12th graders in the Social Psychology elective. Working in small groups, students research a large-scale topic and distill their work into a 15-minute episode. This year, they debuted their episodes with classes in the Middle School and then led a short discussion or activity on the topic, extending their learning across divisions.
🔊 Listen to Episode 1: "Regret" by Max F. C. '25, Nora S. '25, and Camilla T. '25.
Held on December 11, Burke's 5th Annual Day of Giving broke the previous year's record, bringing in 326 gifts – totalling nearly $250,000 for the the Annual Fund and completing every challenge.
To conclude the fall trimester for the performing arts, Singing in the Spotlight performed a wide array of solo and ensemble vocal pieces, featuring Maya D. '26, Claire J. '28, Ekkoh K. '26, Paige M. '26, Izzy M. '28, Ollie P. '28, Lana P. '26, Gigi R. '28, Taylor S. '26, Shaan T. '28, and Natalie W. '28, with guest Asher Z. '26 (guitar).
Congratulations to the ten athletes, representing all four grades in the high school, who were named to the PVAC All-Conference Teams in soccer and volleyball:
From DNA to PCR To wrap up the fall trimester, Advanced Research in Molecular Biology students hosted a poster presentation for peers and parents. While investigating the distribution of Wolbachia (common bacterium) in insect populations, students learned molecular biology techniques, including DNA extraction, gel electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and DNA sequencing. Pictured, center: research by Sam H. '25, Paul G. '25, and Sydney W. '25.