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All Non-US Citizens requiring the I-20/F-1 Student Visa should complete the International Student Application Process. If you have any questions about which application to complete, please contact the Admissions Office: 1-202-362-8882 x 670.

所有需要 I-20/F-1 学生签证的非美国公民都应完成国际学生申请过程。如果您对完成申请的过程有任何疑问,请联系招生办公室:1-202-362-8882 x 670

Application Process

List of 5 items.

  • Step 1: Request Materials

    If you have not already done so, please fill out our online inquiry form to be entered into our database and to receive our viewbook.

  • Step 2: Apply & Interview

    To begin an application, please create an account in Ravenna, our online Admission portal. Your Ravenna account will enable you to sign up for Burke events and complete the application process. The deadline for the International Application Form is January 10, 2025.

    The application fee is $100. As part of this application, students submit a one page writing sample and parents submit a one-page parent statement describing their child.

    The Admissions Office will contact you to schedule a Zoom interview between the applicant and a member of the Admissions Office. To interview in person, please contact the Admissions Office at least 3 weeks in advance of your trip at 1-202-362-8882 or admissions@burkeschool.org. Please note: We cannot guarantee your child's visit before decisions are made if your child's application is not received by the deadline.

    开始申请之前,请在我们的在线入学门户网站 Ravenna 创建一个帐户。通过您的Ravenna 帐户您能够注册 Burke 活动并完成申请本学校的过程。国际申请表的截止日期为 2025 年 1 月 10 日。
    招生办公室将与您联系,安排申请人和招生办公室成员之间的 Zoom 面试。要亲自面试,请在旅行前至少 3 周联系招生办公室,电话:1-202-362-8882 或 admissions@burkeschool.org。请注意:如果在截止日期前未收到您孩子的申请,我们无法保证您的孩子来访。
  • Step 3: Register for a Standardized Test

    All applicants are required to take one of the standardized tests listed below as part of the application process. While these tests may be taken at any official location, Burke should be listed as a score recipient (our school codes are listed below).

    作为申请过程的一部分,所有申请人都必须参加下面列出的标准化测试之一。虽然这些测试可以在任何官方地点进行,但 Burke 应该被列为分数接受者(我们的学校代码如下所列)。

    Burke’s TOEFL code is 5453

    Burke's ISEE School Code is 090064

    Burke's SSAT School Code is 2956
  • Step 4: Submit Transcript

    A complete and official secondary school transcript should be sent directly from your child's school to Burke. The transcript request form is available through your Ravenna account.

    完整的官方中学成绩单应直接从您孩子的学校寄给 Burke。成绩单申请表可通过您的 Ravenna 帐户获得。
  • Step 5: Submit Recommendation Forms

    Once in Ravenna, you will be able to send teacher recommendation forms electronically to current English and math teachers. The optional third form may be sent to an adult of your choice in a teaching, coaching, or mentoring role.


List of 2 items.

  • Visa Information

    Burke will issue an I-20 after the enrollment contract and deposit have been received. / 处理 I-20 所需的文件包括:

    Documents required to process the I-20 include the following / 处理 I-20 所需的文件包括:
    • Copy of Passport
    • Copy of Birth Certificate (if the place of birth is not on the passport)
    • Address in home country and the mailing address for the I-20 if different from the home address
    • A signed letter from the parents indicating the source of the funds needed to fulfill the financial obligations of attending school in the U.S. (i.e. total tuition, fees, living expenses, etc.). The letter should also include authorization to the school to release the information to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.
    • 护照复印件
    • 出生证明复印件(如果出生地不在护照上)
    • 本国地址和 I-20 的邮寄地址(如果与家庭地址不同)
    • 父母签署的一封信,说明履行在美国上学的财务义务(即总学费、杂费、生活费等)所需的资金来源。该信还应包括授权学校向美国移民和归化局发布信息。
  • International Tuition & Fees

    Grades 9 - 12 Tuition         $49,747
    Academic Support Fee     to be determined

    Non-native English speakers are required to receive academic support throughout their high school years. Please be advised that some international students pay fees in addition to standard tuition.

    Tuition and fees includes all textbooks, lab fees, art materials and grade sponsored field trips. Tuition and fees do not include optional service trips, Leadership Program Fees and stipends to host families.

    International students are not eligible for financial aid.


Important Notes

Day school only:
Edmund Burke School does not provide its own housing.
Because we cannot offer host families to students, international applicants MUST work with one of our partner agencies to secure a host family OR live with a family member(s).

Representing interests outsides the US:
Overseas candidates are cautioned that Edmund Burke School employs no organization to represent its interests outside the continental United States. While Burke has a relationship with a number of reputable consulting agencies who will refer candidates to the school, no agency can guarantee that their candidate will be admitted to our school. No agency has permission to use Edmund Burke School images or information for the purpose of marketing that agency without Burke's permission.
Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.