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Around the Bay & Above the Ground

On Friday, April 21, each Middle School grade engaged in trips and excursions tied into a component of the curriculum – ranging from ecology to 3-D art to the Civil Right Movement.
The 6th grade spent a full day on the water, both in a research vessel and flatwater canoes. With the Chesapeake Bay Foundation's Arthur Sherwood Environmental Education Center, students explored the local ecosystem and assessed water quality via abiotic (salinity, turbidity) and biotic (bird, fish species) factors.

Meanwhile, the 7th grade spent the morning down at Peirce Mill, crafting land art from petals, leaves, stones, and sticks (and drawing inspiration from British sculptor Andy Goldsworthy). They then headed down to Sportrock in Alexandria, run by Sean Taft-Morales '05, for some adventures at altitude.

Finally, the 8th grade was wrapping up a four-day trip to Alabama, including stops in Birmingham, Selma, and Montgomery, as the culmination of their study of the American Civil Rights Movement.
Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.