Affinity & Department Spotlights

Affinity Spotlight

In early May, numerous affinity groups celebrated their final meetings with seniors, including the Latine / Hispanic Student Union (LHSU) – whose seniors requested a going-away dance party, paired with Peruvian alfajores, thanks to affinity leader Maite B. G. '24. Special shout-out to beloved seniors Julia V. B. '23, Sam S. '23, and Valentina C. '23, who couldn't attend the celebration due to AP testing.
Department Spotlight

In late April, Fatou, Jessie, and Tyler attended the Spring GWATFL Conference at National Cathedral School, where they had the opportunity to sharpen their teaching tools and to connect with fellow World Languages teachers. Jessie also modeled an Organic World Language (OWL) novice circle for attendees, teaching them Turkish via engaging and kinesthetic activities. Additionally, Jessie is now an Equity and Community Leader with the GWATFL Member Action Program community.
Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.