
Class & Club Spotlight - High School - Part 4

Evolutionary Ideas: Season 8 Begins

A podcast about big ideas in human behavior and social psychology, examined through an evolutionary lens, Evolutionary Ideas is researched, written, performed, and produced by students in David's Advanced Psychology and Social Psychology electives. Now in its 8th season, the podcast recently launched with "Social Comparison" by Clara E. Z. '24, Will M. '24, and Niki P. '24.

On Digital Health

This December, Dr. Patty Mechael P'30, an internationally-recognized digital health specialist, spoke to Burke's Feminist Cooperative (FemCo) about women in STEM fields and public health. Her works "wrestle with the toughest public health and societal issues of our time, including the environment, pandemic preparedness, responsible technology and AI, and mental health."

Faith Throughout History

Be sure to walk along the Atrium balcony and read the new set of posters from Curtis' US History class. These religion projects highlight branches of Christianity, Shinto, Judaism, Native Hawaiian, Islam, atheism, Sikhism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, including significant diversity of events and individuals.
Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.