Miles '27

Favorite memory: "When my grade went to Alabama for a week in 8th grade."
Started at Burke: 7th grade
Current grade: 9th grade
Hometown: College Park, MD

Favorite class: Ceramics 9/10
Favorite neighborhood spot: Pho14

What has been your favorite class project this year?
"My favorite project has been in my Ancient World History where we made [movie] trailers based on Greek gods and philosophers."

Is there a new class or event that Burke should have?
"Flag football should be a sport, in my opinion."

How would you describe Burke to a new student?
The teachers and students are supportive. Burke is a welcoming community to all.

Miles' schedule for 2023-24:
Algebra 2
Earth Systems Science
English 9: Genres
History 9: The Ancient World
Spanish 2

Ceramics 9/10Trimester 2
Digital Photo 9/10Trimester 3
Drawing & Painting 9/10Trimester 1
HS Learning StrategiesTrimesters 1-2
Health, Ethics & ValuesTrimester 1
Intro. to Computer ScienceTrimester 2
Mixed Media 9/10Trimester 3

Activities: Debate Team, Soccer (JV), Track & Field

    • Class of 2027 in Alabama - spring 2023

Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.